julien allegre
(né en 1980)
“Music is the direct complement of my art”

Sometimes, like a sun, the form casts the space. Sometimes vastness sweeps over the horizon. A fragmented and plural face, crossed by all the hollows of the world.
This sculptor dares to deprive the masses of their mass. Only the envelope, the naked carcass, and the fragile skin of the essential remain … Through the hollowed-out material, Allègre tears the expanse. Through the cracks in space, he cuts through matter. He sets the scars of humanity in bloom. Savage writing of disfigurement. Shredded space.
His sculptures are dazzling. The fever of the depths inhabits these great surges, these burnt colors, and these masks of intimacy. His frantic beings, free from any cultural evidence, upset the inertia of reality, and take root in the throes of desire. Strange sacrificial energy. In this art of clash and combat, vital pleasures exult in the darkness of fantasies.
Formidable landowner, Julien Allègre imposes a barbaric and luminous art, exulting in savage health, with the immense weight of devouring life and barely tamed magma. He experiences the solar power of vital transgressions, which take away our lives and our voids. Order falters, haunted by inventive formal jolts. Presence of miraculous masks, astounding in sensitivity, on the brink of the abyss.
Archaic and contemporary, the work frees the West from its tired concepts and its weighty materiality. Allègre reinvents the mythical figure, which he tears from our certainties. His raw art, metal and lightning fire, carries these sharp, haunted allure of universality, and these fabulous totems. Abrupt presence of the origins. His works are surfacing. They never stop watching. Time of the great watchmen, in open space.
Allègres has a shamanic soul, roughly seized by all the devouring powers of the present.
Christian Noorbergen
- 5 Quai St-Eienne - 14600 HONFLEUR
- +33 2 31 89 19 13
- +33 6 11 54 54 79
- galeriedaniellebourdette@wanadoo.fr