Roland Devolder
Drawings – Paintings – Sculptures
From May 27th to July 16th 2023
Roland Devolder perpetuates and renews the tradition of derision and madness in the minor that has been a constant source of inspiration in Flemish painting for centuries.
Born in Ostend, Roland Devolder breathed the same air as Ensor and Spilliaert, and we often think that he too will count among the great inspired artists of the whimsical city. An implacable, yet compassionate, observer of human beings, he sees their flaws from the outset, doesn’t hesitate to point them out, wraps them up in a kind of indulgent, brotherly complicity, very discreetly dares a touch of humour, but is always afraid of disrespecting those whose awkwardness, shyness and perhaps even bad intentions he wants to respect. All these well-behaved children, reserved lovers and solitary strollers are not as harmless as you might think.
This great draughtsman reinforces the hallucinatory character of his painted works with graphics that delve deep into the body and soul. The bronzes bring these compositions to life in a strikingly true symbolist atmosphere.
Lydia Harambourg Gazette de Drouot september 2016
Ouest France
Dreams and reality intertwine in Devolder’s world, hope and despair complement each other, and colours and shapes are sublimated thanks to precise, instantaneous drawing: “All these components result in a picturesque beauty and a critical vision of society, not without humour and tenderness”.

For Devolder, what happens outside the painting is at least as important as what happens inside it.